With Refugees

On World Refugee Day, held every year on 20 June, we celebrate the strength and resilience of people forced to flee their homes and seek safety elsewhere. World Refugee Day is our primary opportunity to amplify and engage the public with UNHCR’s global public advocacy campaign, #WithRefugees.

Issue-based Coalition on Large Movements of People, Displacement and Resilience

Co-Chaired by UNDP and UNHCR, the Issue-Based Coalition (IBC) on Large Movements of People, Displacement and Resilience serves as a platform to exchange the key advocacy messages related to large displacement of refugees and migrants for use during the high-level events, influencing public policy dialogues and legislative changes affecting persons of concern.

Almaty Process

The Almaty Process is a regional consultative process on refugee protection and international migration to, from and within Central Asia. The Almaty Process aims to address the multiple challenges resulting from mixed migration dynamics and to enhance regional cooperation and coordination on mixed migration.