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Title/DescriptionLegal Clinics (Ibarra)
CountryEcuador » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Ibarra
Actors/PartnersPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Ibarra (PUCESI), Docentes y estudiantes Escuela de Jurisprudencia, ACNUR
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)To strengthen the Law Counselling and the Mediation Centre of Universidad Católica de Ibarra in social, constitutional, human and humanitarian rights to facilitate the access to rights by the refugee and national population in the province.

The clinics provide free services to an average of 400 Colombians and Ecuadorians per month, jointly with the Ibarra Catholic University. Through an agreement with this University, UNHCR provides training and research on the subject of refugees as well as identifying integral alternatives for awareness regarding human rights.

Nationals with low income, as well as refugees, have limited access to justice; also, the justice system is very slow in solving cases; there is a need to strengthen the academic structures that provide legal advice to the community, such as Legal Clinics and Conflict Resolution Centres.  The presence of a refugee population requires a high degree of awareness on the subject, this being a responsibility of the State, citizens, international humanitarian organizations and the University.

Why is this considered a Good practice?This project has three components: 1. To strengthen the free Legal Clinics and the Mediation Centre; 2. To train mediators and potential users; 3. To coordinate the legal clinics with social groups, justice operators, teachers and students in order to achieve the sensitization of those involved in the subject of human rights. To provide Ecuadorians and refugees legal support in Family Law in subjects such as childhood and pregnancy, Labor Law, tenancy, civil, Criminal Law and other previous proceedings. Users get access to services if they ask for them personally or are referred to by our sponsors or strategic partners such as the Prosecutor’s Office, Ombudsman’s Office, immigration pastoral, justice courts, local governments and others.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Projects at the border » 

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