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Title/DescriptionHousing Program
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Costa Rica
Actors/PartnersFundación Costa Rica-Canadá, ACAI y ACNUR
FundingOther » 
Objectif(s)To meet the needs for mortgage credits of the refugee population in Costa Rica.

The access of the refugee population to housing has increased. The number of loans granted every year has grown, with a total up-to -date of over 30 loans. The local integration of the beneficiaries is better.

There is a clear link between the Microcredit and the Housing Programs since they are complementary in the search of durable solutions for the refugee population in Costa Rica.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The tripartite agreement between ACNUR, ACAI and the Foundation, a private entity of public service with over 20 years of experience in formal attention of poor families, has allowed the successful management of the Program. The Housing Program offers the refugee population the opportunity to buy a home and is an alternative to the current limitations of the national banking system. Each application for mortgage credit has a personalized follow-up; ACAI and the Foundation provide additional follow-up that allows the support needed to deal with the mortgage obtained. This program attends a real need since less than 30% of the population owns a house.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Housing/Shelter » 

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