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Title/DescriptionBonds without Borders: Dialogue for the integration of young people: Immigrants, Refugees and Costa Rican.
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Costa Rica (participantes de todo el territorio nacional)
Actors/PartnersACNUR, OIM, Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, Viceministerio de Juventud, Consejo de la Persona Joven, Asociación de Consultores y Asesores Internacionales, Casa de Derechos de la Municipalidad de Desamparados...
FundingOther » 
Objectif(s)To conduct an integral exercise of social participation (participatory assessment) that allows better understanding and tackling the challenges faced by young immigrant and refugees (both male and female) in their integration in Costa Rica. Target population: Young people between 16 and 30.

These are the project’s metrics so far: 187 pre-consultation participants (50% Costa Rican; 28% refugees and 22% immigrants); active participation of government and civil society partners. Visibility in social networks (Facebook). Detection of the main integration challenges: Access to health services and education, decent jobs, discrimination, issuance of documents.

The project aims to organize a conference with 180 participants that will issue a declaration and define a plan of action. The declaration should have an impact in public programs and policies for youth and immigration in Costa Rica. To obtain visibility from media.  Awareness and empowerment for young people. To conduct actions compatible with the 10-Point Plan of Action and Urban Policy.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The Bonds without Borders Project is a clear example of the execution of UNHCR’s 10-Point Plan of Action and Urban Policy since it involves different actors (Government, civil society, international agencies) and deals with the situation of mixed migrations into an urban reality. Bonds without Borders is a project of social participation diagnosis, community mobilization and empowerment that is unique in the whole region and can be replicated in similar contexts.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Participatory diagnostic » PI » Adolescents » 

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