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Title/DescriptionDocumentary “In Another Land”
CountryMexico » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Mexico
Actors/PartnersSin Fronteras
FundingUNHCR » 
Funding (detail)IBT
Objectif(s)Raise public awareness of the presence of refugees in urban areas and their challenges for local integration and make visible the practices of discrimination. Serve as background material for newly arrived refugees on Mexico’s potential for integration, despite possible initial difficulties.

Projection of the documentary at film festivals, forums, roundtables and other public spaces. It has reached a new audience that has shown interest in the subject and expressed desire to cooperate with UNHCR.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Promotes through a film product the values of solidarity, respect, tolerance and multiculturalism, stressing the refugees’ humanitarian problems and fundamental rights.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)PI » 

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