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Title/DescriptionHousing project “Mother Earth” (“Madre Tierra”)
CountryArgentina » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Buenos Aires
FundingPublic » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Provide a permanent housing solution to refugee families living in Buenos Aires.

• Refugee families without sufficient resources to purchase a home can own decent housing in the urban suburbs of Buenos Aires
• Approximately 55 refugees have found a permanent housing solution through this project, implemented through the collaboration of the partner agency FCCAM with the NGO “Mother Earth”
• Families with housing have access to better integration and social networks, since they have to join the social group living in the neighborhood. “Mother Earth” coordinates the social group, which addresses issues of common interest to the neighborhood.

Why is this considered a Good practice?• Access to permanent housing is one of the greatest challenges in Argentina. Also, rental market has demands for guarantees that many persons of concern are unable to meet. In this sense, the project represents a much needed solution • The project does not depend on UNHCR funds exclusively. “Mother Earth” provides the land, and sometimes the basic structures. The program makes use of community resources for the benefit of persons of concern • This is a flexible social project that offers facilities to the families’ contributions.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentResettlement » 
Theme (s)Housing/Shelter » 

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