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CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)San Jose
Actors/PartnersPNUD, UNESCO, UNFPA, OIM, CENDEROS, ACAI, ANNE FRANK FOUNDATION, Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud.
FundingPrivate » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)To have, via the coordination of different sectors, a cultural event for young people aimed at promoting the integration of foreigners (immigrants, refugees) in the country.

Five thousand people went to the event.
Collaboration with other UN agencies as well as national and international NGOs and governments.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The subject of integration and multicultural dialogue amongst young people is included in the mandate of many agencies and organizations. Integrarte showed it is possible, with a clear objective and the right leadership, to create synergy between many actors who have a common cause. This activity depended on human and financial resources of all the participating organizations. Additionally, it focused on cultural and recreational activities that were previously evaluated as successful. Immigrants and refugees were able to show they cultural expressions as well as their knowledge. The morning events (when it is more difficult to gather crowds) were free and family-oriented. The main activity (a music concert for young people) had a cost of USD 6 (half the price usually paid to attend a concert by one of the eight bands that played that day). The artists were previously made aware of the intercultural dialogue, integration and refugees topics. Once on the stage, several of them repeated the same message using their own words. Several of the artists have kept on collaborating for free voluntarily with UNHCR.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)PI » 

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