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Title/DescriptionDiagnosis on the situation of people of concern to UNHCR residing in the northern cities of the country
CountryChile » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Áreas fronterizas (Antofagasta, Calama, Iquique, Arica)
Actors/PartnersACNUR – PNUD- Gobierno Regional de Tarapacá/Iquique, Universidad Arturo Prat
FundingPublic » UNHCR » Other » 
Objectif(s)Analyze the socio-demographic characteristics of Colombian migrants in northern Chile, as well as the living conditions of immigrants and refugees in the cities of Arica, Iquique, Calama and Antofagasta, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the situation to implement social policies that improve social inclusion, employment and the effective protection of the rights of immigrants.

First systematized information on migration and refugee situation in northern Chile.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Initiative agreed by various institutions, which aimed to develop a shared strategy to address the issue of refuge from a public policy perspective.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Participatory diagnostic » Projects at the border » 

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