Blockchain Beyond the Hype

Blockchain Beyond the Hype

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published in its “White Paper” series, a “common sense and practical framework” designed to assist in understanding whether blockchain is an appropriate and helpful tool for business needs.

Promise or hype: Provides Blockchain a Safe Identity?

Promise or hype: Provides Blockchain a Safe Identity?

In two articles, Monique J. Morrow explores the opportunities of safe identity storage which blockchain technology offers and Karl Steinacker underlines the importance of State regulation for technological development.

Real Time Data: Uganda Identity Verification Exercise

Real Time Data: Uganda Identity Verification Exercise

UNHCR and the authorities in Uganda are currently undertaking a massive identity verification exercise using biometrics to register more than one million refugees. You are now able to follow the operation by looking at the Real Time Verification Dashboard.

Cars and Privacy

Cars and Privacy

The online tech publication The Register is discussing the issue of data protection from a different and unusual angle: What does the advent of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) mean for privacy? Farfetched? We don’t think so and invite you to read more here.

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