“Media, Migrants and Refugees” – Media Workshop with Nick Thorpe (BBC Correspondent for Central Europe)

First of all, congratulations on the interest you have shown in the Media Workshop that UNHCR Romania and the West University of Timisoara are organizing. Your initiative confirms that media professionals in Romania are keen on sharing their skills and acquiring new ones on topics that seem to present more and more interest to the public.

Due to this, UNHCR and West University of Timisoara considered that is vital to give media professionals the opportunity to access first-hand information on refugee-related issues, as well as an open dialogue with world-renowned journalist and writer Nick Thorpe, the facilitator of the workshop.

About Nick Thorpe:

He was born by the River Medway in Upnor, Kent in February 1960. After youthful years spent mostly on the road, in Europe and in Africa, he settled on the shores of the River Danube in Budapest in February 1986. He was the first western reporter to be based full time here. He has been living in central Europe ever since, mostly in Hungary, but with spells in Prague, the Balkans, and the Middle East. He has worked as regional correspondent for the BBC, the Independent, UPI, the Guardian and the Observer. Since 1996 He has been Central Europe correspondent for the BBC. His first book: ’89 The Unfinished Revolution – Power and Powerlessness in Eastern Europe’ was published by Reportage Press in November 2009. He is also the co-director, with his wife Andrea, of two documentary films, and one short feature (The Fairy Island, 1993; Vigilance, 1997; The Vineleaf and the Rose, 2002)

Apply now! 

Deadline: 01.12.2019, 23:59

Topics approached during the workshop:

  • Why report on refugee and migrant issues?
  • How to report on refugee and migrant issues?
  • Investigative reporting
  • Fact-based reporting
  • Arrival and integration in target countries
  • Breaking News
  • Open Europe or Fortress Europe?

After the workshop, each participant will be awarded a participation certificate, issued jointly by UNHCR and West University of Timisoara

Selection criteria:

The selection process will be based on a qualitative assessment of your presentation, motivation, and expectations. However, we will also try to assure that we will have a heterogeneous group of participants.

Administrative aspects:

Venue: West University of Timisoara
Date and time: 05.12.2019 / 09:30 – 17:00
Language: English
Lunch and two coffee breaks will be provided
Accommodation: For participants living outside of Timisoara one or two nights of accommodation (depending on the needs and travel arrangements of the participants) will be provided in double rooms, in the university dorms.
Transportation: Not provided

Deadline: 01.12.2019, 23:59

Apply now!