Digital Tukul

UNHCR Blog on Digital Inclusion

Filippo Grandi: Tech Sector Important for Refugees

The High Commissioner’s OpEd in the Financial Times on why the private sector is vital in the refugee response focuses on innovative mobile network operators that together with UNHCR, national regulators and development actors have brought connectivity to some of the world’s most remote refugee settlements.

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Building Capacity for Registration in Emergencies

Identity management, including refugee registration, is the responsibility of UNHCR country offices. Each office has dedicated staff for business and technology. Sometimes, when there is mass influx situations or large-scale verification exercises, local capacity is insufficient and needs to be beefed-up. Here is where special training kicks in.

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In an increasingly interconnected world not everybody benefits from access to digital services and content.

This blog explores the opportunities the digital age brings to improve the protection and welfare of the people we care for: asylum seekers, refugees, IDPs, stateless and all other forcibly displaced men, women and children. We want to reflect, argue, inform, innovate, and take action: Nobody should be left behind!