
2019 Nansen Refugee Award 'a symbol of hope' for the world's stateless

Lawyer Azizbek Ashurov spent over a decade helping the Kyrgyz Republic to resolve all known cases of statelessness in a historic first.

7 Oct 2019

South Sudanese teacher dedicates his life in exile to refugees of all ages

Classes are overcrowded, there are not enough textbooks, but Koat Reath does not complain. A dedicated refugee teacher, he will do anything to improve his pupils' lives.

4 Oct 2019

Millions in eastern Ukraine endure invisible wounds of war

After five years of conflict, aid agencies are striving to meet the mental health needs of those affected.

4 Oct 2019

After years in exile, Nigerian refugees finally return home

UNHCR assists over 100 Nigerian refugees in Cameroon to return to northeastern Nigeria

3 Oct 2019

Syrian seamstress builds brand loyalty from a refugee camp

Widowed mother-of-seven turns former pastime into a thriving business in Iraq's Domiz refugee camp, and passes on her skills to help others earn a living.

3 Oct 2019

Intrepid lawyer achieves quest to eradicate statelessness in Kyrgyzstan

Heading out on foot, on horseback and in four-wheel drives, Azizbek Ashurov and his team of lawyers have helped Kyrgyzstan to end statelessness.

2 Oct 2019

Nansen Refugee Award laureate reflects on impact of her work

Six years after winning UNHCR's Nansen Refugee Award, Sister Angélique looks back at how it changed her life and those of the people she continues to support.

1 Oct 2019

UN Refugee Chief praises Mexico's support for refugees

As Central Americans' asylum claims soar 231 per cent in less than one year, Filippo Grandi calls for further resources to better cope with the flow.

1 Oct 2019

Citizenship tastes sweet to Kyrgyzstan beekeeper

Abdusamat Saparov dreamed of being a beekeeper for over 20 years. But without a birth certificate or passport, it seemed impossible.

30 Sep 2019