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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 3

    Our Year in Review: Whilst tech continued to advance, we refocused our efforts to the future. Experimentation, research, and refugee voices were central to the new direction. We also killed our Innovation Labs. Discover more in our new report:

  2. 5 hours ago

    While of course we will continue to explore and test nascent technologies, we won’t shout loud about it without having identified suitable and tangible use cases that will positively affect the lives of the communities we’re serving.

  3. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    The Humanitarian Innovation Guide is now available online from those nice people at

  4. 17 hours ago

    "Development organizations, including the UN system, have the responsibility to facilitate the dialogues on preventative, yet agile sectoral frameworks and invest in their capabilities to understand frontier technologies, their potential and risks."

  5. Jul 5

    "So what will the future of big data analysis and bring for the humanitarian field? In my view, we should imagine a future where we have understood how to augment (and not replace) the human condition by leveraging technology."

  6. Retweeted
    Jul 4

    🏆❗Votre ONG met en oeuvre de nouvelles approches pour augmenter l'efficacité de la prestation de services aux réfugiés ou à d'autres personnes relevant de la compétence du HCR ? ⏳ Dépôt dossier avant le 31/07 pour le Prix d'Innovation 2018 !

  7. Jul 4

    We have to stop telling the same stories, with the same emotions and same plots that contribute to stereotypes and master narratives around refugee communities. And more importantly, refugees should be leading these stories themselves.

  8. Jul 4

    In order to have sustainable innovations that improve your organization, you do need to focus on mindset and culture. Organizational culture is not something to be dealt with when everything else is done, but it is a foundation of everything.

  9. Jul 4

    Merely using the most innovative technology available will not always mean its application in humanitarian settings is innovative. It could be misplaced or at worst, frankly, damaging.

  10. Jul 4

    Four lessons learned from supporting innovation in UNHCR's Uganda operation - and actions we're taking to do better next time:

  11. Jul 4

    "We must uproot the traditional, top-down, structure of humanitarian aid and initiate a participatory, bottom-up, approach to refugee policy. Refugees must be given a seat at the table."

  12. Jul 3

    "People will criticize and they will call you crazy. But for me it didn’t matter…what is important to me is the outcome of the project + the confidence that this young refugee developed through the whole process.”

  13. Jul 3

    Humanitarian action may in some cases de facto fit in a development plan, but it is not determined by it.

  14. Jul 3

    "Merely counting the number of people directly affected by the redesigned emergency service would not reflect the full range of impact of this innovation investment as it contributed to an incremental, yet significant institutional change."

  15. Retweeted
    Jul 2

    [New post] "Innovation metrics for human development – what we have learned" Blogged with about measuring the impact of innovation and planning incremental & transformative change. Thanks for hosting!

  16. Jul 2

    Any product or service that we are involved with has to serve the needs of the user. We don’t want to use tech for the sake of using them, nor seek out challenges to apply the technology to. Are we a bunch of technophobes then? Absolutely not.

  17. Jul 2

    Refugee-led businesses are generating employment for refugees and members of the local population and are combating discrimination and negative perceptions toward refugees.

  18. Jul 2

    While the problems of humanitarian aid cannot and should not be boiled down to a single issue, the daily drumbeat of news on how social media is shaping our societies should not be ignored by the humanitarian community.

  19. Retweeted
    Jun 29

    "Innovation, because we can do better."-UNHCR DHC Kelly Clements calls on NGO partners to innovate together in her closing remarks at UNHCR NGO consultations

  20. Jun 29

    We are likely promoting and backing too many innovations because of the personalities behind them and/or the reputation of the intermediaries who bring them to light.

  21. Jun 29

    How can we design innovation metrics for sustainable human development that support incremental and transformative innovation? 's + explore:


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