
For refugees in need of medical care, Iran health-care programme is a lifesaver

The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of only a few countries to provide comprehensive medical insurance for refugees on the same basis as its own citizens.

24 Jul 2019

Pregnant women flee lack of maternal health care in Venezuela

Thousands of pregnant women have left Venezuela to protect the lives of their unborn babies and their own.

23 Jul 2019

Half of Venezuelans on the move face high risks in their journey to safety

A UNHCR survey finds that half of Venezuelans who have fled are particularly vulnerable due to their age, health issues, or the choices they had to make to survive.

19 Jul 2019

Saving lives at the world's largest refugee camp

UNHCR and its partners provide round-the-clock emergency health care for Rohingya refugees in south-eastern Bangladesh.

18 Jul 2019

UN's core values guide Volker Türk's career at UNHCR

Volker Türk leaves UN Refugee Agency after a global career that spanned 30 years and saw him come to embody the organization's commitment to refugee protection.

15 Jul 2019

"I had one hour to leave"

Young Honduran family charts new beginning in Belize.

12 Jul 2019

"Violence must not dictate our future"

Young Salvadoran works to protect his community from gang violence.

12 Jul 2019

"Another teacher has left"

Schools, often safe havens for teenagers and teachers from criminal gangs, are under threat in Honduras.

12 Jul 2019

"I walked and walked, day and night"

Transgender woman finds a new beginning in Mexico, away from violence.

12 Jul 2019