
Slam poet speaks for refugees at music festival in Hungary

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Emi Mahmoud, who is a world champion slam poet, performed at the huge Sziget music festival held on an island in the Danube River.

15 Aug 2019

Social media helps former refugee thank man who gave her a childhood bicycle

When Mevan Babakar was a five-year-old refugee in the Netherlands, an aid worker gave her a bicycle. Twenty-four years later, she was finally able to thank him.

15 Aug 2019

Indigenous people from Venezuela seek safety across the border in Brazil

After violence broke out in their native Venezuela, hundreds of members of the Pemon indigenous group fled to a village across the border in Brazil.

9 Aug 2019

'I was very drawn to try and make a difference'

UNHCR's Ann Encontre made a bold career change – from corporate law to protecting refugees.

8 Aug 2019

Scouts gain insights after stepping into lives of refugees

At World Scout Jamboree, participants use immersive video technology to connect with refugees around the world and build empathy for their plight.

2 Aug 2019

Birth certificates signal brighter future for stateless children in Kenya

Government move to issue birth certificates to 600 children from Shona community hailed as an important protection measure and first step towards ending statelessness for the group.

2 Aug 2019

Emergency monsoon training saves Rohingya refugee lives

After receiving lifeguard instruction, Rohingya volunteers in Bangladesh rescue drowning teenager from reservoir.

31 Jul 2019

Forging a friendship through art

After fleeing his home for Rwanda, Burundian artist Mike has made a friend for life.

30 Jul 2019

After decades in Thailand, Myanmar refugees head home

Around 300 refugees are returning to south-east Myanmar, among them a family of four generations.

29 Jul 2019