The boy who started growing again

The boy who started growing again

Little Omar stopped growing at the age of five, when the fighting in Syria cut off his access to the vital medications he needed for a rare hormone deficiency.

After three long years in Lebanon, his family was resettled with UNHCR support to Finland, where he found proper medical treatment as well as a second chance at a normal childhood. UNHCR visited him there in 2016, updating his story in the form of a 360-degree video. Three years on, we went back to see how he's doing – again filming in the immersive 360-degree format.

This video had its première in July 2019 at the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA, where young Scouts from around the world got to see that – even if they never had to flee a war or fight a deadly disease – they had a lot in common with Omar, who has happily started growing again.