
UNHCR chief calls for solidarity with refugees in Ramadan

At the start of the holy month, Filippo Grandi asks us to remember almost 70 million people forcibly uprooted from their homes.

3 May 2019

UNHCR Ambassador Ben Stiller tells U.S. Congress: Syrian refugees still need support

2 May 2019

Nursing a city back to health in Mali

Jamilla Amadou was displaced from her home in Gao by conflict. Now she houses others who are displaced and nurses the sick in a city still struggling to recover.

1 May 2019

Rohingya youth spearhead project to foster mental health

Asking for help was once taboo, but young refugee volunteers in Bangladesh are showing their peers how speak up about their worries and sadnesses.

27 Apr 2019

World must not turn away from Rohingya crisis, say UN chiefs

Visiting refugee camps in Bangladesh as monsoon season nears, heads of UN refugee, relief and migration agencies call for sustained support for refugees and host communities.

26 Apr 2019

Former Somali refugee inspires children with illustrated book

Habso Mohamud grew up in a refugee camp in Kenya and has something to say to children around the world: "We are the agents of change."

22 Apr 2019

South Sudanese grow rice, and community ties, in Uganda

A programme to promote rice production is bringing refugee and local farmers together.

18 Apr 2019

The chef and the footballer: Father and son find hope in Bosnia

Refugees like Majid and Muhammed are realizing their dreams in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

17 Apr 2019

A year into sociopolitical crisis, thousands of Nicaraguans continue to flee

Since the government suppressed street protests last April, thousands have sought safety in neighbouring Costa Rica, where meeting basic needs remains a challenge.

16 Apr 2019