
Students can play a vital role in advocating for refugees - UNHCR chief

Speaking in Berlin, a city that has flourished while tearing down walls, Filippo Grandi puts the power of students and education centre stage ahead of World Refugee Day.

18 Jun 2019

Syrian refugee finds success and a business partner in Amman

With a long history of hosting refugees, Jordan's capital provided the opportunity Ehab needed to meet his local collaborator Amani and launch their tech start-up.

17 Jun 2019

Nervous? Refugee sings at music workshop with cellist Yo-Yo Ma

Workshop just latest step for Basma Jabr as she builds new career.

14 Jun 2019

The friendship of a lifetime

From Panama City to Beirut, refugees and their hosts are striking up enduring friendships. Watch their stories here.

13 Jun 2019

Support for Venezuelans 'needed more than ever,' says Deputy High Commissioner

Kelly Clements visits Ecuador and Colombia to assess urgent needs amid a deeply underfunded regional response.

12 Jun 2019

Older Colombians and Venezuelans take care of each other under the same roof

Grandpa's House hosts Colombian seniors who were left alone. Now it has increased its capacity to also shelter Venezuelans on the move.

11 Jun 2019

Becoming the best of friends in Beirut

Shadi is Syrian and Elie is Lebanese. They met on a Beirut movie set and are now best friends.

8 Jun 2019

Angelina Jolie calls for leadership and humanity as millions flee Venezuela

On a two-day visit to Colombia, the UNHCR Special Envoy met with refugees, returnees and government officials to assess the human impact of a mounting exodus.

8 Jun 2019

Rohingya refugees fret for their children's futures

UNHCR is promoting more learning opportunities and higher teaching standards for thousands of young Rohingya refugees.

6 Jun 2019