
A joyous return for Central African refugees after years in exile

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi greets a fourth group of refugees returning to the Central African Republic.

3 Dec 2019

Taking on traffickers at the world's largest refugee site

UNHCR works closely with Bangladesh authorities to protect vulnerable Rohingya refugees from abduction and human trafficking at Kutupalong refugee settlement.

2 Dec 2019

Returning to ruins, displaced Iraqi farmers find help to rebuild

Displaced for two years following ISIS advance in 2014, returning Iraqis in Yathrib benefit from irrigation and home rehabilitation projects to reestablish their farms.

2 Dec 2019

HIV positive refugees support one another in Uganda

Refugees from South Sudan find mutual support and life-saving health care at Imvepi refugee settlement.

29 Nov 2019

UNHCR chief urges action over conditions for asylum-seekers on Greek island

Filippo Grandi bears witness to conditions at the Moria centre on Lesvos and calls on European states to help Greece address situation

28 Nov 2019

Farming together, refugees and their hosts reap benefits

An agriculture initiative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is helping South Sudanese refugees and locals alike become self-reliant.

26 Nov 2019

Winter adds to fears of Syrians fleeing conflict in north-east

Residents of Bardarash camp in Kurdistan Region of Iraq brace for harsh weather as US$222m needed to help millions of displaced Syrians and Iraqis survive winter.

22 Nov 2019

Basque community opens its doors to welcome family from Syria

Spanish volunteers help a grieving refugee family start life anew in the Basque region.

22 Nov 2019

Joy and hope as Central African refugees return home

Hundreds of Central Africans head back to their homeland after years in exile in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

22 Nov 2019