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Security Council resolution 384 (1975) [East Timor]

Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 22 December 1975
Citation / Document Symbol S/RES/384 (1975)
Reference 1975 Security Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Security Council, Security Council resolution 384 (1975) [East Timor], 22 December 1975, S/RES/384 (1975), available at: [accessed 5 June 2023]

Resolution 384 (1975) of 22 December 1975

The Security Council,

Having noted the contents of the letter of the Permanent Representative of Portugal (S/11899),

Having heard the statements of the representatives of Portugal and Indonesia,

Having heard representatives of the people of East Timor,

Recognizing the inalienable right of the people of East Timor to self-determination and independence in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960,

Noting that General Assembly resolution 3485 (XXX) of 12 December 1975, inter alia, requested the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples to send a fact-finding mission to East Timor,

Gravely concerned at the loss of life and conscious of the urgent need to avoid further bloodshed in East Timor,

Regretting that the Government of Portugal did not discharge fully its responsibilities as administering Power in the Territory under Chapter XI of the Charter,

1. Calls upon all States to respect the territorial integrity of East Timor as well as the inalienable right of its people to self-determination in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

2. Calls upon the Government of Indonesia to withdraw without delay all its forces from the Territory;

3. Calls upon the Government of Portugal as administering Power to co-operate fully with the United Nations so as to enable the people of East Timor to exercise freely their right to self-determination;

4. Urges all States and other parties concerned to co-operate fully with the efforts of the United Nations to achieve a peaceful solution to the existing situation and to facilitate the decolonization of the Territory;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to send urgently a special representative to East Timor for the purpose of making an on-the-spot assessment of the existing situation and of establishing contact with all the parties in the Territory and all States concerned in order to ensure the implementation of the present resolution;

6. Further requests the Secretary-General to follow the implementation of the present resolution and, taking into account the report of his special representative, to submit recommendations to the Security Council as soon as possible;

7. Decides to remain seized of the situation.

Adopted unanimously at the 1869th meeting.

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