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Security Council resolution 325 (1973) [Request of Panama]

Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 26 January 1973
Citation / Document Symbol S/RES/325 (1973)
Reference 1973 Security Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Security Council, Security Council resolution 325 (1973) [Request of Panama], 26 January 1973, S/RES/325 (1973), available at: [accessed 5 June 2023]

Resolution 325 (1973) of 26 January 1973

The Security Council,

Having considered the letter dated 9 January 1973 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/10858) by which the Security council was informed, on behalf of the Government of Panama, that the latter had decided, on the basis of Article 28, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, to propose that the Security Council should meet at Panama City, from 15 to 21 March 1973,

Taking note of the unanimous support of the Latin American Group (S/10859)1 for the proposal of the Government of Panama,

Recalling the decisions taken at its 1685th meeting on 16 January 1973, in particular the decision to accept in principle the proposal of Panama to meet at Panama City between 15 and 21 March 1973,

Taking note, with gratitude, of the offer by the Government of Panama, in acting as host to the Security Council, to place at the Council's disposal whatever technical facilities and services might be necessary to ensure the success of the Council's meetings to be held at Panama City and to contribute appropriately to the costs arising therefrom,

Having discussed the second report of the Security Council Committee on Council Meetings away from Headquarters (S/10868),

Taking note, in particular, of the information preliminary cost estimates as contained in the annex to the Committee's report,

Bearing in mind the recommendations submitted by the Committee in chapter VII of its report,

1. Decides to hold meetings as Panama City, beginning on Thursday, 15 March, and ending on Wednesday, 21 March 1973, and that the agenda for these meetings shall be the "Consideration of measures for the maintenance and strengthening of international peace and security in Latin America in conformity with the provisions and principles of the Charter;

2. Expresses its gratitude to the Government of Panama for its stated readiness to act as host to the Security Council meetings and to provide certain facilities without cost to the United Nations;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to enter into immediate negotiations with the Government of Panama with a view to concluding an appropriate conference agreement in accordance with the Committee's relevant recommendations.

Adopted at the 1686th meeting.[1]


1 In the Absence of objections, the President declared the draft resolution adopted unanimously.

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