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Resolution 157 (VII) : Progress and prospect of repatriation, resettlement and immigration of refugees and displaced persons

Publisher UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Author UN Economic and Social Council
Publication Date 24 August 1948
Citation / Document Symbol E/RES/157 (VII)
Reference 1948 Economic and Social Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Resolution 157 (VII) : Progress and prospect of repatriation, resettlement and immigration of refugees and displaced persons, 24 August 1948, E/RES/157 (VII), available at: [accessed 7 June 2023]

157 (VII): Progress and prospect of repatriation, resettlement and immigration of refugees and displaced persons

Resolution of 24 August 1948 (document E/1027)

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting with appreciation the report on the progress and prospect of repatriation, resettlement and immigration of refugees and displaced persons submitted by the Secretary-General in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization[1] pursuant to General Assembly resolution 136 (11) [2] of 17 November 1947 and Council resolution 122 (VI)A,

Having in mind the recommendation of General Assembly resolution 136 (11) to "each Member of the United Nations to adopt urgent measures for the early return of the repatriable refugees and displaced persons to their countries of origin, having regard to the General Assembly resolution of 12 February 1946, [3] and for settling a fair share of the non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons in its country",

Recognizing that the Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization, by means of the machinery it has developed during its first year of activity, can substantially accomplish its purpose of repatriating or re-establishing all the refugees and displaced persons who are its concern within a period of, at most, two years, provided that it is assured of the effective co-operation of Governments,

Considers that, to accomplish this objective, a substantial number of Governments which have not already done so should take early action for membership in the International Refugee Organization;

Urges the Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization to continue its efforts for the repatriation of refugees and displaced persons to their countries of origin in accordance with the constitution of the International Refugee Organization;

Stresses the need for accelerated resettlement of non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons and urges all States to admit them to the maximum limit of their capacity;

Expresses its view that the policy which should be followed with regard to unaccompanied children is:

(a) To unite children with their parents wherever the latter may be; and

(b) In the case of orphan or unaccompanied children whose nationality has been established beyond doubt, to return them to their country, always providing that the best interests of the individual child shall be the determining factor;

Recommends to the Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization:

(a) That it consult immediately with Members of the United Nations concerning resettlement of all non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons on the basis already approved by the General Assembly in resolutions 62 (I) [4] and 136 (II), including recognition of the importance of resettling refugees and displaced persons in family units as recommended by the report submitted by the Secretary-General; and

(b) That it report thereon to the Council at its eighth session;

Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the report, together with this resolution and such additional relevant data as may be available from the Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization, to the General Assembly at its third regular session for its information, sympathetic consideration and such further action as it may deem appropriate.

[1] See document E/816.

[2] See Official Records of the Second Session of the General Assembly, Resolutions, page 44.

[3] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the first part of its first session, page 12.

[4] See Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during the second part of its first session, page 97.

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