Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre

The Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) is an independent library and research service which is provided under the aegis of the Irish Legal Aid Board. The RDC provides services primarily, though not exclusively, to Irish governmental organisations involved in the asylum process and to private legal practitioners associated with these organisations. Members of the public and other agencies may use the RDC to conduct their own research.  Website:
Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Iran: Reports of convictions for apostasy in Iran within the last 5 years

12 September 2012 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Iran: Information on the penalty under Iranian law for fornication between a single man and a married woman? Is this law widely implemented? Are there any reported convictions?

11 September 2012 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Iran: Information whether conversion from Islam to Christianity is a crime. Treatment of converts/apostates both socially and by authorities

28 June 2012 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Iran: 1. Are there any reports of people formerly practising Muslims who have ceased to practice and have rejected their religion having any problems with employment, university, or the authorities? 2. Are there any reports of the consequences of a person openly rejected their religion?

8 August 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

The Researcher, February 2008

February 2008 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Legal Articles/Analyses/Commentaries

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