Title The 'Protection Crisis': A Review of Field-Based Strategies for Humanitarian Protection in Darfur
Publisher Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Author Humanitarian Policy Group; Sara Pantuliano and Sorcha O?Callaghan
Publication Date December 2006
Country Sudan
Topics Conflict situation | International protection | Peacekeeping | Security situation
Citation / Document Symbol HPG Discussion Paper
Reference ISBN-10: 0 85003 833 2; ISBN-13: 978 0 85003 834 7
Cite as Overseas Development Institute (ODI), The 'Protection Crisis': A Review of Field-Based Strategies for Humanitarian Protection in Darfur, December 2006, HPG Discussion Paper, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/4672591a2.html [accessed 1 November 2019]
Comments The Discussion Paper analyses the evolution of the Darfur conflict and its impact on the civilian population, as well as the measures civilians have taken in response to the different threats they face. The Paper explores the conceptual framework behind humanitarian protection, and discusses the response by the international community to civilian insecurity in Darfur. It concludes by looking at the politics of protection in humanitarian settings, and describes the dilemmas of leadership and coordination in Darfur.
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