UN: China fails to scupper resolution on Myanmar's persecution of Rohingya
5 December 2017 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News |
China: Deplorable life sentence for Uighur academic
23 September 2014 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News |
China: End persecution of detained Uighur religious leader after prison term increased for fifth time
23 April 2014 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News |
People's Republic of China: Rebiya Kadeer's Personal Account of Gulja after the Massacre on 5 February 1997
1 February 2007 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country Reports |
China: Gross violations of human rights in the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region
1 April 1999 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country Reports |