Last Updated: Wednesday, 30 October 2019, 07:11 GMT

Country Information

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Somalia: Whether persons born in Somaliland and in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia are entitled to Somali citizenship; citizenship status of women married to foreign nationals; requirements and procedures to obtain and reacquire Somali citizenship (2015-November 2017)

3 April 2018 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Somalie : information indiquant si les personnes nées au Somaliland et dans la région de l'Ogaden de l'Éthiopie ont droit à la citoyenneté somalienne; information sur le statut de citoyenneté des femmes mariées à des étrangers; les exigences et la marche à suivre pour obtenir et recouvrer la citoyenneté somalienne (2015-novembre 2017)

3 April 2018 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Somalia: The Somali Compact, 2013

16 September 2013 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Somalia: Transitional Constitution of Puntland Regional Government

1 July 2001 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

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