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  • Humanitarian crisis
  • Situation of concern
  • No Severity
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Weekly picks


An ADF attack in Nord-Kivu on 25 December resulted in the deaths of 21 civilians and four ADF militiamen, while clashes between Mayi-Mayi Mazembe and FARDC resulted in the deaths of 17 civilians in Rushuru. Several attacks carried out by ADF during the last week of December, in the Samboko and Bialee in Ituri, near the border with Nord-Kivu, resulted in 14 deaths. 

Go to DRC page
South Sudan

On 24, 25 and 26 December, 70 Sudanese refugees from Doro camp in Upper Nile were killed, and 15,000 people in the area were displaced, after an attack by White Army and local forces elements.

Go to South Sudan page

New waves of conflict in December have led to the displacement of 90,000 people in Galkayo region, 29,000 in Lower Shabelle, 27,500 in Qandala, and  5,000 in Bakool/Hiraan. AWD cases have also risen in December: from 12-25 December there were 161 cases in Banadir, 61 in Hiraan, and 129 in Middle Shabelle.

Go to Somalia page

A measles outbreak is spreading, with 37 confirmed cases and 268 suspected cases across four governorates in early December, posing another threat to 462,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Wheat imports that were drastically cut in December due to cash shortages have not resumed. 

Go to Yemen page

Severe humanitarian crisis

Countries Latest update
Afghanistan 04/01
CAR 04/01
DRC 06/01
Eritrea 04/01
Iraq 06/01
Lesotho 06/01
Libya 05/01
Nigeria 04/01
Somalia 06/01
South Sudan 05/01
Sudan 05/01
Syria 04/01
Yemen 06/01

Humanitarian crisis

Countries Latest update
Burundi 20/12
Cameroon 23/12
Chad 22/12
Colombia 05/01
DPRK 21/12
Ethiopia 04/01
Haiti 23/12
Lebanon 06/01
Malawi 05/01
Mali 23/12
Mauritania 05/01
Mozambique 21/12
Niger 22/12
Pakistan 23/12
Palestine 06/01
Swaziland 23/12
Ukraine 06/01
Zimbabwe 05/01

Situation of concern

Countries Latest update
Djibouti 06/01
Guatemala 06/01
Jordan 04/01
Kenya 06/01
Madagascar 22/12
Myanmar 06/01
Namibia 04/01
Papua New Guinea 20/12
Senegal 23/12
The Gambia 22/12
Turkey 04/01
Uganda 05/01

No Severity

Countries Latest update
Bangladesh 01/11
Benin 14/04
Bolivia 11/08
Bosnia and Herzegovina 04/04
Brazil 18/04
Burkina Faso 18/04
Cambodia 03/05
China 23/12
Côte d'Ivoire 05/07
Croatia 04/04
Ecuador 13/09
Egypt 18/04
El Salvador 20/12
Fiji 05/07
Greece 04/04
Guinea 18/04
India 04/04
Indonesia 11/04
Liberia 04/04
Mongolia 04/04
Nepal 08/11
Nicaragua 04/04
Philippines 11/04
Rwanda 11/04
Serbia 04/04
Sierra Leone 17/05
Slovenia 18/04
Sri Lanka 19/05
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 28/04
Timor-Leste 18/04
Vanuatu 22/04
Venezuela 01/12

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Severity Countries Latest update
No Severity
Bosnia and Herzegovina 04/04
No Severity
Croatia 04/04
No Severity
Greece 04/04
No Severity
Serbia 04/04
No Severity
Slovenia 18/04
No Severity
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 28/04
Situation of concern
Turkey 04/01
Humanitarian crisis
Ukraine 06/01


Severity Countries Latest update
No Severity
Benin 14/04
No Severity
Burkina Faso 18/04
Humanitarian crisis
Burundi 20/12
Humanitarian crisis
Cameroon 23/12
Severe humanitarian crisis
CAR 04/01
Humanitarian crisis
Chad 22/12
No Severity
Côte d'Ivoire 05/07
Situation of concern
Djibouti 06/01
Severe humanitarian crisis
DRC 06/01
No Severity
Egypt 18/04
Severe humanitarian crisis
Eritrea 04/01
Humanitarian crisis
Ethiopia 04/01
No Severity
Guinea 18/04
Situation of concern
Kenya 06/01
Severe humanitarian crisis
Lesotho 06/01
No Severity
Liberia 04/04
Severe humanitarian crisis
Libya 05/01
Situation of concern
Madagascar 22/12
Humanitarian crisis
Malawi 05/01
Humanitarian crisis
Mali 23/12
Humanitarian crisis
Mauritania 05/01
Humanitarian crisis
Mozambique 21/12
Situation of concern
Namibia 04/01
Humanitarian crisis
Niger 22/12
Severe humanitarian crisis
Nigeria 04/01
No Severity
Rwanda 11/04
Situation of concern
Senegal 23/12
No Severity
Sierra Leone 17/05
Severe humanitarian crisis
Somalia 06/01
Severe humanitarian crisis
South Sudan 05/01
Severe humanitarian crisis
Sudan 05/01
Humanitarian crisis
Swaziland 23/12
Situation of concern
The Gambia 22/12
Situation of concern
Uganda 05/01
Humanitarian crisis
Zimbabwe 05/01


Severity Countries Latest update
Severe humanitarian crisis
Afghanistan 04/01
No Severity
Bangladesh 01/11
No Severity
Cambodia 03/05
No Severity
China 23/12
Humanitarian crisis
DPRK 21/12
No Severity
India 04/04
No Severity
Indonesia 11/04
Severe humanitarian crisis
Iraq 06/01
Situation of concern
Jordan 04/01
Humanitarian crisis
Lebanon 06/01
No Severity
Mongolia 04/04
Situation of concern
Myanmar 06/01
No Severity
Nepal 08/11
Humanitarian crisis
Pakistan 23/12
Humanitarian crisis
Palestine 06/01
No Severity
Philippines 11/04
No Severity
Sri Lanka 19/05
Severe humanitarian crisis
Syria 04/01
No Severity
Timor-Leste 18/04
Severe humanitarian crisis
Yemen 06/01


Severity Countries Latest update
No Severity
Bolivia 11/08
No Severity
Brazil 18/04
Humanitarian crisis
Colombia 05/01
No Severity
Ecuador 13/09
No Severity
El Salvador 20/12
Situation of concern
Guatemala 06/01
Humanitarian crisis
Haiti 23/12
No Severity
Nicaragua 04/04
No Severity
Venezuela 01/12


Severity Countries Latest update
No Severity
Fiji 05/07
Situation of concern
Papua New Guinea 20/12
No Severity
Vanuatu 22/04

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