Last Updated: Thursday, 24 October 2019, 17:23 GMT

Case Law

Case Law includes national and international jurisprudential decisions. Administrative bodies and tribunals are included.
Selected filters: 2008 Returns Directive (EU)
Showing 1-4 of 4 results
ADDITIONAL OPINION OF ADVOCATE GENERAL MENGOZZI in case C-181/16 Sadikou Gnandi v État belge (Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État (Council of State, Belgium))

Reference for a preliminary ruling — Directive 2008/115/EC — Return of illegally staying third-country nationals — Order for removal from national territory — Order issued after the rejection of the asylum application by the competent administrative authority — Reopening of the oral procedure

22 February 2018 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Legal Instrument: 2008 Returns Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Illegal immigrants / Undocumented migrants | Countries: Belgium - Togo

Supreme Administrative Court Decision (Korkein hallinto-oikeus) of 10 November 2017 - KHO:2017:173

whether an unaccompanied minor can be safely returned to Iraq and under which conditions

10 November 2017 | Judicial Body: Finland: Supreme Administrative Court | Legal Instrument: 2008 Returns Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Return conditions - Unaccompanied / Separated children | Countries: Finland - Iraq

Supreme Administrative Court decision (Korkein Hallinto-Oikeus) of 10 November 2017 - KHO:2017:172

on the legal preconditions of an unaccompanied minor's deportation to his country of origin according to the Finnish Aliens Act and the Finnish Child Welfare Act

10 November 2017 | Judicial Body: Finland: Supreme Administrative Court | Legal Instrument: 2008 Returns Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Return conditions - Unaccompanied / Separated children | Countries: Finland - Morocco

Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston: Mossa Ouhrami

18 May 2017 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Legal Instrument: 2008 Returns Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Deportation / Forcible return - Illegal entry - Illegal immigrants / Undocumented migrants | Countries: Algeria - Netherlands

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