Coalition News
Senegal: Mobile courts deliver birth certificates to children living in rural areas
In Senegal, raising awareness on birth registration is particularly important in areas far from the urban centers. Registration rates are considerably lower in rural settings and children risk growing up completely undocumented and therefore at risk of statelessness.
Chile: “Mi Nacionalidad Tiene Cuento” contest receives amazing stories on the importance of nationality from children
Chile: “Mi Nacionalidad Tiene Cuento” contest receives amazing stories on the importance of nationality from children Winners of the contest exhibit their stories during the prize ceremony © Alejandra De Lucca In Chile, a story contest for children “Mi Nacionalidad...
Coalition efforts lead to the adoption of legal amendments to civil status law by the Parliament of Albania
On October 11th 2018, the Parliament of Albania adopted legal amendments to the country’s civil status law, which removes barriers to birth registration, thereby reducing the risk of childhood statelessness in Albania, particularly for children of Albanian parents born outside the country and for children of the Roma and Egyptian communities.
CHILE: UNICEF-UNHCR Coalition launches the “Mi Nacionalidad Tiene Cuento” Contest
Chile: UNICEF-UNHCR Coalition launches the “Mi Nacionalidad Tiene Cuento” Contest In August 2018, UNHCR and UNICEF launched a story contest for children in Chile called “Mi Nacionalidad Tiene Cuento” (My Nationality has a Story) under the umbrella of the Coalition on...
Statelessness Mapping Study in Albania: A New Advocacy Tool for the Coalition and Partners
Of the 1031* persons at risk of statelessness in Albania, 97% are children. This is one of the critical findings of a new mapping study produced by the Tirana Legal Aid Society…
UNHCR-UNICEF Coalition bringing Central Asian Governments Together to Combat Childhood Statelessness
UNHCR-UNICEF Coalition bringing Central Asian Governments Together to Combat Childhood Statelessness The Vice-Minister of Justice (center) of the Republic of Kazakhstan chairing the regional meeting ©S.Gurzhin On 7-8 June 2018, the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan,...
Sierra Leone Enshrines Equal Right of Women to Pass Nationality to Children
Following passage of an amended Citizenship Act in 2017, Sierra Leone now guarantees women and men the equal right to confer nationality on children…