
Syrian director unites refugees and locals through drama

Theatre director Bassem uses acting classes to offer safe space for young refugees and locals in Alexandria, building their self-confidence and a sense of community.

26 Jun 2019

On a trek to safety, Somalis risk all in Libya

UNHCR seeks US$210 million to help refugees risking death, rape, arbitrary detention, forced labour and starvation as they travel towards the Mediterranean.

26 Jun 2019

Nigerian widow opens her doors to Cameroonian refugees

Fleeing conflict and insecurity in Cameroon, some refugees have found shelter, a warm welcome and support from a 77-year-old Nigerian widow.

24 Jun 2019

A message to the world's refugees from UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi

Refugee chief says World Refugee Day is a moment to recognize the courage of the 70 million who have fled war, violence and persecution.

20 Jun 2019

Live Blog: World Refugee Day is held amid record displacement

From Australasia to the Americas, UNHCR is celebrating the courage and determination of children, women and men driven from their homes.

20 Jun 2019

Global forced displacement tops 70 million

UN Refugee Chief calls for 'redoubled' solidarity as annual Global Trends report shows displacement doubled in 20 years.

19 Jun 2019

Top Italian football coaches train refugee and local youth in Uganda

Players from refugee and host communities take part in three-day training programme with coaches from Italian football club Sampdoria in peace initiative.

18 Jun 2019

Students can play a vital role in advocating for refugees - UNHCR chief

Speaking in Berlin, a city that has flourished while tearing down walls, Filippo Grandi puts the power of students and education centre stage ahead of World Refugee Day.

18 Jun 2019

Refugee Week - 2019

This Refugee Week join us in celebrating the creativity and culture refugees bring to the UK from around the world.

17 Jun 2019