Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. It consists of three divisions: the Refugee Protection Division; the Immigration Division; and the Immigration Appeal Division. The Refugee Protection Division decides claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Website:
Selected filters: Muslim
Showing 61-70 of 502 results
Jordanie : information sur la situation des athées et le traitement qui leur est réservé; information indiquant si une personne née musulmane, mais qui ne pratique pas l'islam et qui se considère athée fait l'objet de discrimination ou de mauvais traitements de la part des autorités gouvernementales ou de la société

15 June 2010 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan : information sur la situation des musulmans non ahmadis qui se convertissent à l'ahmadisme; la fréquence des conversions (2005-novembre 2009)

23 November 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: The situation of non-Ahmadi Muslims who convert to the Ahmadi faith; rates of conversion (2005 - November 2009)

23 November 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan : information sur les mariages entre musulmans non ahmadis et ahmadis; information indiquant si les mariages sont reconnus par la loi; information sur les conséquences encourues par le couple et le célébrant du mariage

19 November 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Érythrée : information sur le traitement réservé aux Jebertis par les autorités gouvernementales (2005-août 2009)

1 September 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Eritrea: Treatment of the Jeberti people by government authorities (2005 - August 2009

1 September 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Djibouti: Situation and treatment of Christians, including instances of discrimination or violence; effectiveness of recourse available in cases of mistreatment; problems that a Muslim can face if he or she converts to Christianity or marries a Christian (2000-2009)

5 August 2009 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Turquie : information sur la situation des alévis (2005-mai 2008)

27 May 2008 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Somalia: The sect of Islam followed by the Bravanese ethnic group

15 October 2007 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: Treatment of Pakistan Muslim League (PML) supporters by the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)

13 December 2006 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

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