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Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. It consists of three divisions: the Refugee Protection Division; the Immigration Division; and the Immigration Appeal Division. The Refugee Protection Division decides claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Website:
Selected filters: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Showing 41-50 of 88 results
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Copy of the nationality law

1 February 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Information on the situation of Bosnian Muslim refugees returning or returned to Bosnia following the conflict, particularly in the Bihac canton; on Muslim refugees being killed or harassed by fellow Muslims for non-participation in the Bosnian war effort through service in the Bosnian armed forces; and on whether a Bosnian Muslim who had fulfilled his military service in the Yugoslav army prior to the conflict and resided outside Bosnia during the war would be exposed to retaliation from Muslims in Bihac for not having joined the Bosnian army during the conflict

1 February 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia: Information from 1995 to present on whether Libya has attempted in Bosnia to find or punish Libyan dissidents

1 January 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Yugoslavia: Update to Response to Information Request YUG28599.E of 6 January 1998 on whether an ethnic Serb born in Bosnia-Herzegovina who currently resides in the Republica Srpska there, and who obtained a Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) passport (in which the serial number in the first page commences with "BHA") at a FRY consulate outside Bosnia in 1993, has had the right to enter and reside in the FRY since 1993, and whether such a person has been a citizen of the FRY since 1993

1 January 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia: Information from December 1995 to present on whether the Dayton peace accord directed the Bosnian authorities to expel foreign armed groups, particularly Arabs, from Bosnia, and on whether the Bosnian authorities have expelled any Arabs who obtained Bosnian citizenship

1 January 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Yugoslavia: Information from 1993 to present on the 5th battalion (possibly called Vozinka) of the Yugoslav armed forces which operated in Bosnia under Captain Dragan and was attached to a special unit led by Arkan, on its composition, the recruitment of members and its activities in Bosnia

1 January 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Yugoslavia: Information on whether an ethnic Serb born in Bosnia-Herzegovina who currently resides in the Republika Srpska there, and who obtained an SFRY passport (in which the serial number in the first page commences with "BHA") at a FRY consulate outside Bosnia in 1993, has had the right to enter and reside in the FRY since 1993, and whether such a person has been a citizen of the FRY since 1993

1 January 1998 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia: Information on whether article 29 of the 1992 Bosnian citizenship law has been amended

1 October 1997 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia: Information, since 1995, on the treatment by the Bosnian government of Bosnian Muslims who have returned to Bosnia after fleeing Bosnia during the conflict to avoid compulsory military service, including whether they have been subject to prosecution or penalties

1 October 1997 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Bosnia: Update to Response to Information Request BOS27202.E of 11 July 1997 on the date when the Bosnian government began to issue Bosnian passports, on whether the citizens of Bosnia were required to surrender their Yugoslav passports to the Bosnian authorities in order to obtain Bosnian passports, and on the documents that must be submitted to the Bosnian authorities in order to obtain a Bosnian passport

1 August 1997 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

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