Danish private sector hires refugees – because it’s good business

The private sector plays a key role in providing opportunities for refugees. From employment, integration and business opportunities, to providing critical goods and services.

In Denmark, refugees are offered paid internships in different industries through a state-funded programme that consists of work, Danish language classes and on-the-job training.

Denmark’s biggest hospital laundry, MidtVask, was one of the first companies to start working with the local government in Midtjylland to get refugees into the workforce. Since starting the programme, the company has seen significant improvements in the work space, and a five percent increase in production. “People say I have a good heart for employing refugees. And I say yes – but it’s business.” said Pernille Lundvang, the CEO of MidtVask. Highlighting that the private sector truly can gain from taking social responsibility and helping refugees into the labour market.

In return, the refugees gain work experience, a network of colleagues, an improved level of Danish and a salary. “It’s a win-win-win” Pernille said, “for the individual, for the company, and for the society.”

Click below to watch the video about the Syrian refugee Toto and his colleagues at MidtVask: