Programme and practical information
Programme and information note
The Global Refugee Forum will take place on 16 (Advance Session) 17 and 18 December 2019 (High-Level Session) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
The programme of the Forum will include a plenary discussion on 17 December and high-level dialogues on 18 December on the areas of focus. The programme will be updated so please check back regularly.
The information note for the Forum contains practical information on registration and other logistical matters. Further updates will be provided in due course.
Spotlight sessions
In addition to the plenary discussion and high-level dialogues, the Global Refugee Forum will feature a number of spotlight sessions on the day before and during the Forum. The spotlight sessions will take a deeper look at the areas of focus of the Global Refugee Forum, by showcasing selected impactful, multi-stakeholder pledges and contributions and good practices.
Marketplace of good practices
A marketplace of good practices will take place at the Global Refugee Forum (GRF). The marketplace will provide an opportunity for interested Member States and other stakeholders, whose proposals for exhibits are selected, to exhibit their good practices in an innovative and engaging manner, and will be open to all participants of the Global Refugee Forum. Access to the exhibits will require a Global Refugee Forum conference badge.
Speakers’ corner
Interested Member States and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to showcase their good practices at a speakers’ corner at the Global Refugee Forum on 16, 17, and 18 December 2019. The speakers’ corner will allow for a wide range of good practices to be presented in a lively and engaging manner, including those that may not be covered in the main sessions. The aim is to generate interest among the participants of the Global Refugee Forum in a particular area of work and inspire contributions towards the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees.
All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Global Refugee Forum Coordination Team in light of key considerations. Due to space constraints, we will not be able to accommodate all proposals, so please do not begin organizing your event until your proposal has been approved.
Please note that while the deadline for the submission of proposals for the spotlight sessions, the marketplace of good practices and the speakers’ corner has passed, Member States and other stakeholders are encouraged to continue to submit their good practices[1] until and beyond the Forum by filling in the good practice template.
Engagement with the media
Interested Member States and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to share their contributions and good practices with the media and a global audience. Guidance on how to reserve a room for press conferences and on the VIP Social Media Zone are available here.
[1] Good practices could address a sub-theme, a specific refugee situation, or a specific group. They would have the potential to be adapted, replicated and/or broadened in scale; highlight opportunities to maximize the effective and efficient use of resources; inspire or form the basis of contributions to be announced at the Global Refugee Forum in 2019 and beyond. Additional information on what could be considered a good practice and how to submit them can be found on the Global Refugee Forum section.