Last Updated: Wednesday, 30 October 2019, 07:11 GMT

Human rights / Children's rights

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Showing 1-10 of 186 results
Conclusion de l'Avocat general Wahl dans l'affaire C-635/17 E. contre Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie

Propose a la cour par le A.G. : L’article 11, paragraphe 2, de la directive 2003/86/CE du Conseil, du 22 septembre 2003, relative au droit au regroupement familial, doit être interprété en ce sens qu’il ne s’oppose pas à une législation nationale en vertu de laquelle le bénéficiaire d’une protection internationale est tenu, aux fins de l’examen de sa demande de regroupement familial, d’expliquer d’une manière plausible les raisons pour lesquelles il se trouve dans l’incapacité de fournir des pièces justificatives officielles attestant de l’existence d’un lien familial, pour autant que l’autorité nationale compétente apprécie ces explications au regard non seulement des informations pertinentes, tant générales que particulières, concernant la situation dans le pays d’origine de ce dernier, mais également de la situation particulière dans laquelle celui-ci se trouve.

29 November 2018 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Topic(s): Children's rights - Family reunification - Refugee identity documents - Right to family life | Countries: Eritrea - Netherlands

Y.B. and N.S. v. Belgium

Denial of humanitarian visa to child taken in under kafalah (fostering arrangement) by a Belgian-Moroccan couple

27 September 2018 | Judicial Body: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) | Topic(s): Children's rights - Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) - Discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity - Family reunification | Countries: Belgium - Morocco


this Court is of the view that the continued detention of the Applicants at the Belantik Immigration Detention Centre is a direct violation of their rights as a child pursuant to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Child Act 2001 which guarantees protection and assistance to be given to children in all circumstances without regard to race, colour, gender, language, religion or distinction of any kind; Based on these reasons, and with the powers vested upon the High Court, I accept the alternative prayer of the Applicants that they are allowed to be placed at a shelter which can protect and provide the necessary welfare to them.

September 2018 | Judicial Body: Malaysia: High Court of Malaya | Topic(s): Arbitrary arrest and detention - Children's rights - Habeas corpus | Countries: Malaysia - Myanmar

I.R.M, S.J.R. and S.O.M. (A minor suing by her Mother and Next Friend S.J.R.) (Applicants/Respondents) and The Minister for Justice and Equality, Ireland and the Attorney General (Respondents/Appellants)

The legal issue in this case relates to the process which must be followed when an application is made to revoke a deportation order under Section 3(11) on grounds that the proposed deportee is likely to become the father of an Irish citizen child.

7 March 2018 | Judicial Body: Ireland: Supreme Court | Topic(s): Children's rights | Countries: Ireland - Nigeria

Recurso No. 605/2016

Pues bien, considerando todas las circunstancias anteriores, concluimos que la menor solicitante de protección internacional, se encuentra en situación de necesidad de dicha protección, en la forma de protección del artículo 3 de la Ley 12/2009 , pues nos consta que, dada la situación que actualmente vive Honduras y su situación personal, el menor se encuentra en peligro de riesgo grave para su vida e integridad física proveniente de la persecución a que la Mara Salvatrucha somete a su familia. Esta persecución se produce particularmente sobre la persona del menor solicitante de asilo, por actos de desobediencia realizados por miembros de su familia, además del peligro genérico que implica encontrarse en el ámbito geográfico de actuación de una mara.

9 February 2018 | Judicial Body: Spain: Audiencia Nacional; Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo | Topic(s): Children's rights - Gang related violence - Generalized violence - Non-state agents of persecution | Countries: Honduras - Spain

I.A.M. (on behalf of K.Y.M.) v Denmark, communication No. 3/2016

Deportation of girl to Somalia, where she would face an alleged risk of being forcefully subjected to female genital mutilation

25 January 2018 | Judicial Body: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) | Legal Instrument: 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) | Topic(s): Children's rights - Female genital mutilation (FGM) | Countries: Denmark - Somalia

Kaur (children's best interests / public interest interface)

10 January 2017 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) | Topic(s): Children's rights | Countries: India - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

R (on the application of SA & AA) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Dublin – Article 8 ECHR – interim relief) IJR

9 November 2016 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Burden-sharing and international co-operation - Children's rights - Regional instruments | Countries: Syrian Arab Republic - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Amparo Rol N° 52.933-2016, Revoca sentencia apelada de Santiago Felix Mamani Blanco contra el Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública (ROL ICA Arica Nº 103-16) y deja sin efecto el Decreto Nº 681 de 4 de agosto de 2010 del Ministerio del Interior

23 August 2016 | Judicial Body: Chile: Corte Suprema | Topic(s): Children's rights - Statelessness | Countries: Chile

Secretary of State for the Home Department v ZAT

2 August 2016 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Court of Appeal (England and Wales) | Topic(s): Burden-sharing and international co-operation - Children's rights - Children-at-risk - Family reunification - Persons with disabilities - Regional instruments - Unaccompanied / Separated children | Countries: France - Syrian Arab Republic - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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