Last Updated: Thursday, 06 October 2022, 15:48 GMT

Adjudication of asylum claims (refugee status determination / asylum procedures) / Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Le problème des demandes manifestement infondées ou abusives du statut de refugié ou d'asile Nº 30 (XXXIV) - 1983

20 October 1983 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

The Problem of Manifestly Unfounded or Abusive Applications for Refugee Status or Asylum No. 30 (XXXIV) - 1983

20 October 1983 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

Effet extra-territorial de la détermination du statut de réfugié Nº 12 (XXIX) - 1978

17 October 1978 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

Extraterritorial Effect of the Determination of Refugee Status No. 12 (XXIX) - 1978

17 October 1978 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

Determination of Refugee Status No. 8 (XXVIII) - 1977

12 October 1977 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

Détermination du statut de réfugié

12 October 1977 | Publisher: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme | Document type: Conclusions on International Protection

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