Last Updated: Thursday, 24 October 2019, 17:23 GMT

Nationality and statelessness / Citizenship / Nationality law

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Belarus: Law on the Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus (As Amended in 2016)

20 July 2016 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Belarus: Law No. 105-Z of 2010 on the legal status of aliens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus

4 January 2010 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Belarus: Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 123 of 2008 on the order of invitation of aliens and stateless persons on religious purposes

30 January 2008 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Belarus: Law No. 146-Z of 2006 on changes and amendments into the Laws of the Republic of Belarus on the issues of stay of aliens and stateless persons

17 July 2006 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Law of the Republic of Belarus on Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus (2006 Edition)

22 June 2006 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Belarus: Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 146 of 2006 on the order of expulsion of aliens and stateless persons from Belarus

3 February 2006 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Law No. 136-3 of the Republic of Belarus on Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus

1 August 2002 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Belarus: Decree No. 209 of 1994, on Adoption of the Regulations Regarding Examination of Issues Related to Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus and Creation of the Commission on the Issues of Citizenship attached to the President of the Republic of Belarus

17 November 1994 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

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