Title Brazil: Interministerial Ordinance No. 9, on the Residence Permit for immigrants from bordering countries that are not a part of the Residency Agreement for Nationals of States Parties of MERCOSUR (2018)
Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities
Publication Date 14 March 2018
Country Brazil
Topics Residence permits / Residency
Other Languages / Attachments Portuguese
Related Document(s) Brazil: Decree No. 6.975, Promulgates the Agreement on Residence for Nationals of the States Parties to MERCOSUR (Decreto Nº 6.975, de 7 de Outubro de 2009. Promulga o Acordo sobre Residência para Nacionais dos Estados Partes do Mercado Comum do Sul – Mercosul, Bolívia e Chile, assinado por ocasião da XXIII Reunião do Conselho do Mercado Comum, realizada em Brasília nos dias 5 e 6 de dezembro de 2002)
Cite as National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities, Brazil: Interministerial Ordinance No. 9, on the Residence Permit for immigrants from bordering countries that are not a part of the Residency Agreement for Nationals of States Parties of MERCOSUR (2018), 14 March 2018, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/5aabc1c84.html [accessed 27 October 2019]
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