Last Updated: Thursday, 24 October 2019, 17:23 GMT

Forum 18

Forum 18 is an organization that promotes the implementation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and concentrates upon gross and open breaches of religious freedom, especially situations where the lives of individuals or groups are threatened, and where the right to gather based upon belief is threatened.  Website:
Selected filters: Commentaries
Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Advancing Freedom of Religion or Belief: Agendas for Change

14 June 2011 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Commentaries

Commentary: Russia: Art curators' verdict not isolated instance - this is a system

19 July 2010 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Commentaries

Commentary: Religious freedom under Islam

13 January 2004 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Commentaries

Commentary: Freedom of religion - a forgotten human right?

16 October 2003 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Commentaries

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