Last Updated
10 Sep 2019


What do you think are the main activities in site management? What activities can an agency do to improve the level of protection in a camp? Which of the following responsibilities belong to the Camp Management Agency? ( answers at the bottom of the page)

If you can answer these questions then perhaps you have attended a CCCM training in the past. After almost 15 years, CCCM training remains one of the main tasks of the global CCCM cluster.  A considerable amount of time, energy and resources have been invested over the years to provide excellent training resources and develop field capacity. CCCM training aims to raise the quality of the inter-agency CCCM response and ensure effective coordination and management of CCCM operations.


Capacity Building Support

Face to face training is available for CCCM staff and partners, including government counterparts. The CCCM Cluster has an inter-agency roster of trainers that can be deployed to conduct learning needs assessments and delivery training in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. If you have a question related to CCCM Capacity Building reach out to the Skype group below.

Or if more specific capacity building support is necessary, please write to the CCCM Cluster team

CCCM Training Registry

The CCCM Training registry is used to track CCCM Capacity Building events conducted by CCCM Cluster partners across the world, to identify gaps and strengths and to consolidate knowledge on in-country CCCM knowledge in order to plan and respond appropriately to current and anticipated CCCM needs.

Any CCCM partner organisation who has requested/conducted a CCCM training should record its details through the short form linked below:

CCCM Training Registry Form


Answers to the questions above. (Q1. If you said registration and monitoring of vulnerable cases, encouraging community participation, you got the answer correct. Q2. If you answered being present in the site, organizing an awareness campaign, or identifying IDPs with special protection needs you got the answer correct. Q3. If you answered establishing governance and community participation and collecting and maintaining data to identify the gaps in the provision of protection and assistance and avoiding duplication you got the answer correct.)


Learning Needs Assessment

Learning needs within CCCM are wide ranging and need to be continually refreshed. To accurately capture the current state of capacity building needs, the recently rejuvenated Capacity Development Working Group for the Cluster agreed that a Learning Needs Assessment would be shared widely to capture the varying range of need and guide capacity development plans.

Deadline for completion of the current round of Learning Needs Assessment is Friday, 13th September, 2019. If you have questions regarding the form, please write to

Learning Needs Assessment - English

Evaluación de Necesidades de Aprendizaje - Español

Évaluation des besoins d'apprentissage - French