
This module details the roles and responsibilities of the Camp Management Agency and their key functions throughout the camp life cycle. It explores what the team working at site level is expected to do and what they should expect from others (namely local and national counterparts). It addresses how the Camp Management Agency should apply these responsibilities throughout the camp life cycle, until the site is closed and temporary shelter is no longer required.  

Camp Managers and their teams are on the frontline assisting displaced persons and therefore have an increased opportunity to prevent gender-based violence in camp settings. This module aims to encourage humanitarian stakeholders to take every step necessary to promote protection in their roles and settings. 

This session includes information on the roles of states in Emergency response as well as the Cluster system. These should only be included where relevant to the context.  

 It is thematically linked to the sessions: 

  • Module 1: Introduction to Camp Management 

  • Module 7: Monitoring Protection Risks 

  • Module 8: Coordination and Monitoring Service Provision 

  • Module 9: Governance and Community Participation 

  • Module 12: Site Closure  


  1. Introduction (30 mins)
  2. The Cluster approach (20mins)
  3. Global CCCM Framework (30-60 mins)
  4. The Camp Management Team (20-50 mins)
  5. Actor mapping of stakeholders (20 mins)
  6. Camp life-cycle and reponsibilities for a protection approach (15-30 mins)
Year Published
Resource Type