
CHAD : Socioeconomic profiling of Sundanese, Central African et Nigerian refugees

التنزيل  (PDF, 1.17 MB)
نوع الوثيقة: Strategy Documents , Population Profiling
نوع الوثيقة: English
تاريخ النشر: 5 December 2017 (1 year ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 22 December 2017 (1 year ago)
عدد مرات التنزيل: 696

CHAD : Socioeconomic profiling of Sundanese, Central African et Nigerian refugees

نوع الوثيقة: Strategy Documents , Population Profiling
اللغة: English
CHAD : Socioeconomic profiling of Sundanese, Central African et Nigerian refugees


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • World food Programme - Programme Alimentaire Mondial


  •  Coordination
  •  Solutions

Population Group

الدولة Group
Nigeria Nigeria - Refugees, Central African Republic - Refugees  (PDF, 1.17 MB)