
Former refugee from Chile offers hand of friendship to Syrians who fled war

7 Mar 2019

Soap making offers fresh start to grieving Syrian refugee

Having fled to Jordan after losing her son and her home, a small act of kindness helped Najwa build a successful business and transform her life in exile.

7 Mar 2019

'Guardian angel' offers lifeline to abused refugee women in South Sudan

Volunteers living in Maban County's refugee camps have opened up their homes to care for women affected by sexual and gender-based violence.

7 Mar 2019

Syrian family come home to a town ravaged by war

After eight years of conflict, some Syrians are slowly returning to areas where they feel safe. For many, it is a harsh homecoming, and the start of a new set of challenges.

7 Mar 2019

Irish woman sets up community programme to help refugees

An Irish woman pilots the country's first sponsorship programme to help welcome refugees into the community in her small town.

6 Mar 2019

Refugees living in Argentina meet Pope Francis

The four refugees - from Syria, Colombia, Venezuela and Senegal - took part in a public audience with the pontiff.

4 Mar 2019

Seeking safety in Rwanda, Somali refugee finds opportunity and love

Ali Abdi fled conflict in Somalia two decades ago and is now a proud business owner and father in Rwanda's capital.

1 Mar 2019

Funding gap leaves refugees in Egypt struggling to cope

Syrian refugee Abdallah left school aged 12 to support his destitute family, and UNHCR warns that more refugees face ruin without urgent increase in funding.

28 Feb 2019

Lebanon's 'Fun Bus' offers kids a respite from street work

Joint UNHCR and EU scheme offers Syrian refugees and other children a safe space to learn and play, as part of wider push to get kids out of work and into school.

27 Feb 2019