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Danish Government

Danish unearmarked funds save refugees worldwide

Contributions to UNHCR

In 2017, Denmark affirmed its key partnership with UNHCR by signing a new 5-year Humanitarian Partnership Agreement. The agreement includes commitment to continued unearmarked and flexible financial support that protects vulnerable refugees and displaced communities, including support to innovative solutions.

Denmark has long ranked among UNHCR’s top-10 donors, and was UNHCR’s fourth largest donor in relation to the population size of the country in 2017, with a total contribution of USD 58.4 million in support. In all, close to 40 per cent of Denmark’s total funding to UNHCR was allocated as flexible and unrestricted support. Annually providing UNHCR with an unearmarked core contribution (DKK 160 million), the country was ranked as UNHCR’s sixth largest donor of unrestricted funds in 2017, totalling USD 22.8 million. This unrestricted funding is crucial because it can be re-allocated to several emergencies throughout the year, depending on where the underfunding is most sever and the humanitarian need greatest. Read more about the importance of Denmark’s unearmarked funding.

In addition, Denmark contributes with a yearly flexible thematic contribution of USD 18 million (DKK 110 million) towards strategic solutions-oriented initiatives that promote innovation, self-reliance and other durable solutions, which in 2017 targeted the Afghanistan and Mano River situations, and Uganda.

Furthermore, Denmark contributes with an emergency fund of DKK 50.5 million (USD 7.20 million) at the start of every year, that UNHCR can allocate freely. In 2017, Denmark contributed through its emergency fund to Burundi, Iraq, Tanzania and Venezuela, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Rohinghya emergencies. Denmark also supported through its earmarked funding UNHCR operations in the Central Mediterranean, Nigeria, Mali, Central African Republic, the North of Central America and Syria. Denmark is additionally offering in-kind UNHCR office space in the UN-City in Copenhagen.

Denmark’s thematic foci: Solutions and Innovation


Denmark funds emergency response for the recent displacement crisis in Diffa, Niger

In 2015, the Lake Chad basin region witnessed increasing waves of violence followed by massive displacement. The Boko Haram group expanded its insurgency from north-eastern Nigeria to neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger, killing civilians and uprooting more than 2.7 million people. Since mid-march 2016, the situation in Niger has deteriorated significantly, leading to further displacements and urgent protection and humanitarian needs.

Denmark funds protracted refugee crises in Africa at risk of being forgotten

UNHCR’s annual meeting of its executive committee, bringing together 140 states, came to a close Friday 9 October. Much attention was focused on the Afghan situation, and the world’s largest humanitarian crisis unfolding in Syria leading to refugees arriving in the thousands in Europe. However, the High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, also urged donor countries not to forget the needs of the millions of people displaced from protracted crises creating refugee emergencies in several regions of Africa.

Denmark supports UNHCR with USD 10.3 million to refugee emergencies

UNHCR is grateful for Denmark’s continued strong support to refugee emergencies. Denmark is the only donor to contribute with an Emergency Fund at the start of each year of USD 8.8 million (DKK 50.5 million), which is solely at UNHCR’s discretion to allocate where the need is the greatest.

Donor Government Counterparts

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is UNHCR´s Government counterpart on matters related to strategic cooperation and funding.

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More on our partnership with Denmark

Danida is the term used for Denmark’s development cooperation, which is an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

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