North (Tripoli and Qobayat)

At the onset of the Syrian emergency, refugees fled Syria through Lebanon’s northern borders, settling first in Akkar, where relief efforts were initially focused.

Many refugees continued further south to arrive in the northern capital of Tripoli where they dispersed into its five adjacent districts (Batroun, Bcharre, Koura, Minnieh-Dennieh and Zgharta – referred to as T5).

As of 30 June 2018, there are 251,619 registered Syrian refugees in Northern Lebanon, residing in more than 489 villages, with the majority living in very challenging urban and semi-urban contexts.

UNHCR’s offices in Tripoli and Qobayat work with more than 50 operational partners, and have agreements with 6 partners that implement projects. The North Sub-Office has also a network of around 180 refugee volunteers.


UNHCR North Lebanon Sub-Office
Rachid Karami International Fair,
Tripoli, Lebanon