DAFI Programme

The DAFI programme enables young refugees to unlock their potential by addressing key barriers to higher education. Undergraduate refugee students are provided with scholarships that cover a wide range of costs, from tuition fees and study materials, to food, transport, accommodation and other allowances. To support their academic achievements and skill development, DAFI scholars receive additional support through close monitoring, academic preparatory and language classes based on students’ needs, as well as psychosocial support, mentoring and networking opportunities.

Access to higher education motivates refugee children to stay in school and succeed academically. For students and graduates, the DAFI programme serves as a foundation for social and professional development, allowing them to build careers in competitive fields of employment. The social returns of the DAFI programme exceed investment at the individual level. Highly educated refugees reduce economic and psychological dependence, improving their self-reliance and offering long-term solutions.

The strategic priorities of the DAFI programme are to:

  • Promote self-reliance of sponsored students through opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship;
  • Empower students to contribute knowledge, skills and leadership to the refugee community, and to facilitate peaceful coexistence with host communities during displacement;
  • Strengthen the protective impact of education by encouraging lifelong learning for young refugees;
  • Foster future role models for refugee children and youth to demonstrate the impact of education on individuals, communities and societies.

Contact Us

If you have a general request on the DAFI programme, please contact us at: [email protected]

Are you a refugee looking for a scholarship? Please visit our Scholarship portal for more information.​

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