Comprehensive Solutions

The Government of Indonesia provides generous support to the asylum process by allowing access to Indonesian territory, referring asylum-seekers to UNHCR, and allowing refugees to remain temporarily in the country pending the identification of a longer term solution.

Traditionally UNHCR has sought one of three “durable solutions”: local integration in the country of asylum, voluntary repatriation to the country of origin, or resettlement to a third country. However, the Government of Indonesia does not allow refugees to locally integrate in Indonesia, and ongoing conflict in many countries of origin prevent refugees from returning home. Furthermore, with more than 65 million persons displaced worldwide in 2017, the number of resettlement places available to refugees in Indonesia is extremely limited.

Under these circumstances, UNHCR is seeking to broaden its pursuit of alternative, more comprehensive solutions for refugees in Indonesia. This means looking for creative solutions to support refugees in countries of asylum through temporary stay measures that allow refugees access to opportunities for self-reliance through education, skills development, and (eventually) income-generating activities.