Communicating with Communities about Registration
© UNHCR/Georgina Goodwin
4.2 Key messages
    • Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, and UNHCR must work continuously to maintain this dynamic relationship with refugee communities.
    • Registration should be “people-centred” and promote the participation of women, men, girls and boys of diverse backgrounds in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of registration activities.
    • UNHCR staff should ensure an appropriate diversity of communication channels to ensure that women, men, girls and boys have the information they need to participate in an informed way in registration activities.
    • Failure to disseminate correct information can jeopardize registration, violate the principles of voluntariness and informed consent and diminish access to rights for refugees and asylum seekers.
  • good information product

    • Short, easy to understand and accurate
    • Contains only relevant information and all relevant information
    • Translated in all appropriate languages and includes written, oral and pictorial formats
    • Uses communication channels accessible by the target population
    • Communicated before the activity starts
    • Manages expectations
    • Includes fraud-awareness
    • Recalls that registration and related activities are free of charge
    • Explains where to go for more information or clarification
    • Can be updated as needed