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4W Matrix


In order to coordinate needs and response in a timely and effective manor, the SC is promoting the use of mobile devices to collect 4W information. The cluster’s digital platform software is being used to capture these data. This allows for information to be gathered quickly and ties all information to a GPS point, ensuring its accuracy and adding credibility to SC reporting. The 4W data collection process allows the SC to understand the status of each agency’s shelter projects, how many beneficiaries have been reached, and other critical information such as HLP and site planning.

The responsibility of collecting data for the 4W lies with the regional cluster coordinators. Each month, these individuals visit project locations or call agencies to collect information on the location of projects or distributions, the donor for the project, what is contained in the distribution or construction, the status of the project, total beneficiaries reached, and finally a photo of the shelter or NFIs. The entire questionnaire is completed using a mobile device and is geo-located, allowing for visual mapping of project locations. 


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