Iraq - Factsheets

June 2019

Although 4.3 million people have returned to areas of origin, 1.6 million IDPs remain displaced as of 30th June 2019. Despite continuing low levels of returns, the amount remaining in displacement has stayed relatively steady since February 2019. Of those in displacement, 32% are in camps with little likelihood of closing soon.

  • 21 partners
  • $83.3 M (32%) required (funded)
  • 2.4 M / 1.0 M people in need / targeted

March 2019

Although 4.21 million people have returned, 1.74 million IDPs remain as of 28th February 2019. Despite the continuous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 31% are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach.

  • 11 partners
  • $74.3 M (10%) required (funded)
  • 2.4 M / 0.9 M people in need / targeted

December 2018

Although 4.17 million people have returned, 1.80 million IDPs remain as of December 2018. Despite the continous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 30% are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach.

  • 42 partners
  • $63.4 M (57%) required (funded)
  • 3.8 M / 1.9 M people in need / targeted

September 2018

Although 4.03 million people have returned, 1.92 million IDPs remain as of August 2018. Despite the continous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 500,000 people are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach. Returnees, unable to sustain themselves in their areas of origin show an increasing trend of returning to camps.

  • 36 partners
  • $63.4 M (41%) required (funded)
  • 3.8 M / 1.9 M people in need / targeted

August 2018

Although 4.03 million people have returned, 1.92 million IDPs remain as of July 2018. Despite the continous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 500,000 people are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach. Returnees, unable to sustain themselves in their areas of origin show an increasing trend of returning to camps.

  • 37 partners
  • $63.4 M (44%) required (funded)
  • 3.8 M / 1.9 M people in need / targeted

July 2018

Although 3.8 million people have returned, 2 million IDPs remain as of July 2018. Despite the continous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 500,000 people are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach. Returnees, unable to sustain themselves in their areas of origin show an increasing trend of returning to camps.

  • 36 partners
  • $63.4 M (41%) required (funded)
  • 3.8 M / 1.9 M people in need / targeted

May 2018

Although 3.8 million people have returned, 2 million IDPs remain as of May 2018. Despite the continous return, the amount remaining in displacement is highly than predicted. Of those in displacement, 600,000 people are in camps, many of which are not scheduled to close. Highly vulnerable IDPs in out of camps remain scattered, blended within the host community and in some areas difficult to reach. Returnees, unable to sustain themselves in their areas of origin show an increasing trend of returning to camps.

  • 35 partners
  • $63.4 M (34%) required (funded)
  • 3.8 M / 1.9 M people in need / targeted